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The official newsletter of the International Complement Society (ICS) and the European Complement Network (ECN)

“Focus on Complement” is a voluntary enterprise. 

Articles are written by complementologists for interested researchers worldwide, and all members of the ICS and ECN are invited to contribute to the newsletter.

The FoC newsletter is emailed quarterly to all registered members of the ICS.

The newsletter may contain the following sections:

    • Flash news on complement-related novel findings,
    • Personal views and Letters to the Editor,
    • Spotlight on complement teams around the world,
    • Description of new complement reagents,
    • Information and summaries of current and past meetings,
    • Posting of Postdoc and Job opportunities,
    • Advertisers and more

The Editorial Board invites and welcomes your comments and suggestions of additional sections for the newsletter.

Latest FoC Issue

ICS members have online access to all past FoC issues

To view past issues, you must first LOGIN as a member (click on the person icon in the upper right corner), before clicking on the link below to view content.


Zoltan Prohaszka


Claudia Kemper

Trent Woodruff

Peter Garred

Viviana Ferreira

Josh Thurman

Claire Harris

Leendert Trouw

Nobutaka Wakamiya

Susan Rooijakkers

Rafael Olmos

Anne Rosbjerg

Lubka Roumenina

For FoC comments  and suggestions, contact:

Focus on Complement Image Award

Each Issue the ICS board will select a scientific image to highlight on the front cover of FoC.

The winning image will include a brief description of the image, and a profile of the winner within the newsletter.  The winner will also receive a $50 Amazon gift card.

More details


Reach over 3,000 immunologists Worldwide!   
  • 4 Issues per year:  March - June - September - December
  • Advertisers receive a 10% discount for payment in advance for 10 issues
  • Advertisers will receive a discount on an Exhibit Booth at the International Complement Workshop

Rates per Issue 

Advertising Options

 Commercial /

 For Profit




 1/4 Page              $350 $150 
 1/2 Page $650 $350 
 Full Page $1200 $800 
 Logo only $200 $100 
 Meeting Announcement - - waived
 Meeting Article w/photo - - waived

How to Advertise

To place an order for all other advertisements, CLICK HERE

 If you are placing an order for 10+ issues, please contact Karen Gottlieb directly to have the 10% discount applied.

Focus on Complement Advertising Options

Click here for complete details


Complement...we are the experts!

ICS promotes advances of complement research and development through the encouragement of cooperative educational programs, clinical applications, and professional standards in the complement field.
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